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Monday, November 22, 2010

Kiss Your Boss Goodbye--Focus Group Pays $100

I just received an e-mail from 20/20 announcing a new focus group. Here's the e-mail:

Put up your feet, sit back and relax. 20/20 Research is bringing the focus group to you!
We are currently conducting a research study regarding Food Products (#10-0738) and would like to invite women across the country to participate using an online bulletin board.  A bulletin board is a new, cutting-edge way to conduct market research.  It allows you to participate from your home, office, the local coffee shop or any place that has a high speed internet connection.
 The online discussion takes place: November 29-December 1 and will require going online a couple of times each day at specified times, and answer the questions posted by the moderator.
For your time and participation you will be given a $100 Online Visa Code, which can be used for online purchases at any website that accepts a regular Visa card.  As always, any information that you provide will remain strictly confidential.  To see if you qualify, please click HERE to answer a few brief questions.

Please use the forward to a friend button in the upper right hand corner to
forward this to anyone who you think may be interested!
If this e-mail was forwarded to you and you would like to be contacted directly about future studies, become a member of our Panel by clicking HERE.
No sales or solicitations, ever.  Strictly research!
The links inside the e-mail are active! If you're interested in participating, click the first "HERE". If you're interested in being notified personally of future panel studies, click the second "HERE".
If you've never participated in a focus group, now's the time to start. This is some of the quickest and easiest money you will ever make. The qualification form is quick. At the end there is a question that requires a lot of creativity--keep that in mind when answering. Make sure that your answer will stand out in a crowd.
NOTE: If you get accepted, they will contact you by either phone or e-mail. If you're the type that hangs up the phone as soon as you get the slightest hint that the caller is a telemarketer--you may want to change your habits for the next few days. Often when they call, it will sound almost like a telemarketer. Keep this in mind when you answer the phone, you could be hanging up on an extra $100 for your holiday purchases.

Free Kisses--Lay's Potato Chips!

Hurry, this offer expires soon!

To get this free kiss, "Like" Wilson Farms, then click Fan Exclusives.

Free Kisses--ID Lubcricant!

Free Kisses--Stand Out Stickers!

Free Kisses--Dingo Dog Treats!

You will receive a free sample of their Dingo Jerky Chewz Chicken Chips when you submut a photo of your dog for their "Great Things Come in Small Packages" Photo Sweepstakes.

Free Kisses--Nasal Cease!

I've never had a nosebleed and I have no clue how frequently they occur for those who suffer from them, but this would nice to keep handy from when they do happen. If you're like me and don't have nosebleeds, I would suggest requesting this free sample for someone you know that does.

Free Kisses--Dr Mohrdar's Health Solutions!

This free kiss is similar to the 4imprint offer. When you click the link, you'll be directed to Dr. Mohrdar's store. Dr. Mohrdar has developed an extensive list of products for health problems and conditions. On the site, look on the left side of the page for a directory of different product categories. Once you have selected a product you like, click the "Request Sample" link. I'm not sure how many samples you are allowed to request, but so far I've requested two and have not encountered any problems. If and when I find out how many each person is allowed, I will update this post.

Free Kisses--Yogi Tea!

You actually get two different tea samples with this free kiss, and you get to choose which two-pack sample you want them to send you!

Below you'll find some extra information you should know concerning this free kiss, as well as creating a Sample-Only E-mail!

This offer is one of those "send to a friend" things. This is where making that extra e-mail address just for samples comes in handy! You have to enter an address for the person who is sending, and then another address for the person who will actually receive the sample. Now would be a good time to make that extra e-mail address for samples! For spare and dummy e-mail addresses, I always use Yahoo! because their sign-up forms are the quickest and most simple.

Click here to start registering your new Yahoo! e-mail. I suggest using this address only for your free sample sign-ups. From now on, this can be the address you enter for all your free sample requests so that your personal e-mail is not bombarded with spam. And, of course, you can use whatever e-mail provider you like. Some other free providers are Hotmail,, and Gmail.

To finish this free kiss sign up, check your e-mail! The e-mail you're looking for will have the sender's name as whatever you entered for the person sending the well wish and the subject will be "You have received a Yogi Well Wish from <enter sender's name>." The content of the e-mail may be blocked for security/spam purposes. I promise it's safe, so show the content then click "Get Your Gift of Yogi Tea" located near the bottom of the e-mail. You'll be sent to the standard mailing form. Once you've filled it out and submitted it, you're done!

This may seem like a lot of work, but once you've created an extra e-mail account, free kisses like this one will be completed more quickly and easily.

Free Kisses--Sun Crystals Sweetener!

Free Kisses--Angel, Butterfly, or Smilie For Hope!

This free kiss is brought to you by Angels of Hope (wow, I sound like Sesame Street, huh? Brought to you by the letter K!). They will send one of the three crocheted gifts in the picture above to someone you know that is injured or suffering from an illness. You get to select which gift you want, but you have to provide a reason why you want to send one to the person you entered.

I'm not encouraging you to enter false information to receive one for yourself, but if you were to do so, use another name than your own for the "Your Name" field because I'm not sure they'll allow you to send one to yourself. Make sure your reason for the request involves a story about being injured or having an illness. Again, I am not encouraging anyone to enter false information, but if you're going to do it, do it right.