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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Free Kisses--Tote Bag HURRY limited quantities!

This site offers free bags every day starting at noon, but they only have a limited amount. I finally was able to log on when some were available. Last I checked, there were over 70 bags still available! HURRY! They won't last long!

You have to register with the site first to apply for the offer. Click "Register" in the top right corner of the site.

I will be making a more formal post about this offer soon! Remember, if you miss out today, try again tomorrow and the next at noon!

Free Kisses--John Frieda's Sheer Blonde!

Free Kisses--Even more handmade soap!

Free Kisses--Pure and Clear Daily Acne Face Wash!

Their form is kind of weird. Most forms provide the secondary address field for those who need it, but this form actually requires it be filled out. So I just broke up my street address. For example: The first field I entered "123 Oak" and then the second field I entered "Lane". Also, if you're from the states, enter the two letter state abbreviation with your zipcode in the zipcode field (example: 12345 NY). At the bottom of the form, they ask a question about the ingredients in their acne gel. The answer is "Tea Tree, Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum".

Free Kisses--Hussana!

I have no clue what this free sample is. This company offers all sorts of health and beauty products. Everything from hair care to skin care. Unfortunately, I cannot find any information on what exactly the sample is, only that it's free and offered by a health and beauty company. I filled the form out and confirmed through an e-mail they sent. When my sample arrives, be assured I'll let y'all know what it is!

Free Kisses--Skin Calming Cream!

The page you're directed to will display several skin care products, but in small print above the icons will be instructions on how to receive your sample.

Free Kisses--Pristine Skin Care!

Free Kisses--Herbal Essence!

This site is part of UK Herbal Essence, so I'm not sure if this offer is valid for us over here in the states; however, when I placed my order I had no problems and didn't receive any sort of warnings, etc. Worth a shot! 

Free Kisses--More Handmade Soap!

Free Kisses--Cosmetic Sample and Beauty Consult!

Free Kisses--Body Scrub!

Free Kisses--Handmade Peach Soap!

Free Kisses--Bath Poof!