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Friday, November 19, 2010

Free Kisses--Daily Bread UPDATE!

IMPORTANT info regarding your Daily Bread sample!

If you requested a sample from Daily Bread (click here to see the original post and free sample offer), be sure to check your e-mail for a response. I just received one today saying that in order for them to ship the sample, I have to call and verify my address. Apparently, they take this seriously since each sample costs a total of $8. If for some reason you don't get the e-mail with the phone number, here's the number to call and verify your address: 1-801-541-9300.

Computer Problems

Lately I've been trying to release at least 10 free samples per day and I plan on continuing doing so; however, the quantity may be reduced for the next few days. I'm having problems with my personal computer, so I'm currently using someone else's to do these posts. The reason I'm having problems is due to an anti virus that I downloaded--it deleted my explorer.exe file on my PC. The anti virus is actually one I posted here as a free kiss. It's called Avira, so if you've already downloaded it, pay attention to everything it deletes or just remove the program all together. I'm going to be on the look out for another free anti virus to share with y'all because I feel it's unfair for me to tease everyone with a free one, then take it away--for good reasons or not.

Until I get this problem with my PC fixed, my posts may be limited. I will try my best to release as many as I possibly can. I may be able to continue to release the normal amount of ten free kisses depending on the amount of time I have using this borrowed computer. I apologize for any inconvenience this causes anyone, but I do plan on having this problem fixed and the blog back to normal soon.

Also, I'm sure you've noticed the change in advertisements. Due to issues with Google, I will no longer display their advertisements on my blog. From now on, the only advertisements I'll show will be from a company called Clicksor. Hopefully this new business relationship will work to everyone's benefit.

I also want to take a minute to tell everyone how happy you have made me. I started this blog as just something to do and a way to share my success with certain "work from home" type businesses. It's now grown into being a free sample blog, with the added bonus of a few different programs to use to make extra cash. I've even been able to expand to include links for free Pogo tokens. Without you, this would not be possible. I know this isn't the best blog, or the most popular, but that's okay because this is something I am proud to claim as mine. Even more so after reading some of the comments some of you have made. Thank you very much for letting me share all this with you.

I also want to send a very special thank you to Tim for creating my banners for the site. For continuing to work on them. And to do all this without compensation. You are my hero. I hope one day I will be able to show you how much your generosity means to me.

xoxo Do you kiss and tell?

Free Kisses--Handmade Bath Salt!

Free Kisses--Air Wick Air Freshener!

Free Kisses--Flix Dental Sticks!

Free Kisses--Microfiber Cloths!

Free Kisses--Free Childrens DVD!

Free Kisses--Baseball Style Hat!

Free Kisses--Another Free T-Shirt!

I signed up for this offer and when I clicked submit, I was taken to the normal "Thanks for your interest" page. On this page, the site informed me that since the demand for these was so high, they cannot send a shirt to every single person who requests. Instead they select a certain amount of people each week to receive them. I hate that this is not a definite free kiss offer, but the sign up form is so short and simple, I went ahead and added it. Just know that you may not get one when you sign up. Sorry guys.

Free Kiss--Handmade Peach Soap!

Free Kisses--Aleve!

You do not have to be a Sam's Club member to get this sample. Just leave the card number field blank.

Free Kisses--Atlas and Hotel Guide!

Every car should have an atlas! Even if you have one, order one for someone who doesn't because a road atlas can be somewhat expensive.