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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Kiss Your Boss Goodbye! -- $20 Gas Card!

This one is courtesy of Miss Amy Lee (No, not the singer!). She's the owner of what I consider the Bible of online income. This is her site, I encourage you to visit:

Anywho, she posted this OMG unbelievably easy survey link. The reward is a $20 gas gift card. I just completed it. The end page said I would receive an e-mail confirmation within 2-3 days. Prior to the survey, it said everyone was eligible to take the survey, but if you're an employee of IBM you won't receive the card.

Click here to take the survey and get a $20 gas gift card!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everyone!

For anyone who looks into getting the Free Kisses, I want to remind you that some of those sites require you to verify your submission through your e-mail! That means they may send you an e-mail that will most likely go into your Junk folder. Always check! Once you've opened the e-mail, inside there will be a link to click to verify. Click the link. That's usually it, but some require you to log in after you verify. So don't forget! Always check your junk folder for verification requests.

I also want to say THANK YOU to anyone who has so much as glanced at this site. You have no idea how much I appreciate it! I welcome your feedback, so feel free to comment or send me an e-mail. Share your new find with your friends! Your support will only result in the blog growing bigger and better!
